Web Application Security Testing Training Provided by Revanth Technologies Training Institute in Hyderabad
Web Application Security Testing free videos and free material uploaded by Revanth Technologies Training Institute staff .
Day - 1
Web application security testing methodology
Web server functionalities
Different protocols introduction
Lab setup
Day - 2
Http protocol introduction
Defining methods
Practical on http verb tampering issue
Net cat, burp suite
Day - 3
Http encoding methods and status codes
Difference between http and https protocols
Day - 4
Information gathering
Day - 5
Mapping techniques
Day - 6
Introduction to OWASP top 10 list
Security misconfiguration
Sensitive data exposure
Day - 7
Command injection (attack) and code analysis
HTML injection (attack) and code analysis
XML injection (attack)
Php code injection(attack)
Day - 8
SQL injection (attack)
Basic SQL injection
Day - 9
SQL injection (attack)
Union SQL injection
SQL map tool
Day - 10
File uploading vulnerability
Insecure Direct object reference
Day - 11
Cross site scripting (XSS)
Reflective and stored
Day - 12
Cross site scripting (XSS)
DOM based
Code analysis
Day - 13
Broken authentication and session management 1
Day - 14
Broken authentication and session management 2
Day - 15
Missing functional access control
Day - 16
Unvalidated redirects and forwards
Using components with known vulnerabilities
Day - 17
Day - 18
Revising all the attacks so far covered
Day - 19
Advanced attacks 1
Day - 20
Advanced attacks 2
Day - 21
Advanced attacks 3
Day - 22
Code review techniques in php
Day - 23
Conclusion and Road map
Write a public review