BME-025: Condition Monitoring and Maintenance Management by IGNOU
BME-025: Condition Monitoring and Maintenance Management free videos and free material uploaded by IGNOU Staff .
Week 1
Unit 1: Functions and Objectives of Maintenance
Week 2
Unit 2: Maintenance Strategies
Week 3
Unit 3: Maintenance Schedules
Week 4
Unit 4: Spare Parts Management
Week 5
Unit 5: Diagnostic Maintenance
Week 6
Unit 6: Condition Monitoring
Unit 7: Trend Analysis
Week 7
Unit 8: Maintenance Models
Unit 9: Reliability Oriented Maintenance Models
Week 8
Unit 10: TPM and Japanese Concepts: Kaizen
This course “Condition Monitoring and Maintenance Management” comprises of three modules and ten chapters will be covered in eight weeks.
Module 1: Maintenance Concepts, deals with functions and objectives of maintenance, maintenance strategies, maintenance scheduling and organization and spare parts management and also deals with various methods and policies of maintenance engineering.
Module 2: Condition Based Maintenance, describes the methods of fault diagnosis, condition checking and inspection and trend monitoring methods. This module also explains various methods of machine fault identification and its diagnosis.
Module 3: Reliability Centered Maintenance, discusses about maintenance division models, reliability oriented maintenance systems, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Benchmarking. Finally it concludes with procedures of JIT maintenance, zero defect maintenance and zero breakdown maintenance systems.
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