Classical Sociological Theory Training Provided by University of Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Classical Sociological Theory free videos and free material uploaded by IIT Madras Staff .
Week 1: Introduction to sociology; uniqueness of sociological perspective
Week 2: Historical context of the emergence of sociology: European Enlightenment
Week 3: August Comte, Herbert Spencer and early thinkers of modernity
Week 4: Karl Marx
Week 5: Karl Marx
Week 6: Emile Durkheim
Week 7: Emile Durkheim
Week 8: Max Weber
Week 9: Max Weber
Week 10:GH Mead
Week 11:Classical theory and methodological orientations in sociology
Week 12:Sociology and modernity: wrapping up and conclusion
This course introduces students to the formative period of sociology and the socio-cultural as well as the intellectual factors behind the emergence of the discipline. It provides a comprehensive understanding and an in-depth analysis of the stalwarts of classical sociological theory such as Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and G H Mead. It explains how the theoretical concerns of these scholars laid the foundation for the subsequent development of sociology as a distinct social science discipline with precise theoretical as well as methodological foundations. Thus, the course enables students to develop a sociological perspective and theoretical insights through a systematic analysis of the key theorists of the discipline.INTENDED AUDIENCE :Undergraduate as well as postgraduate students of sociology, aspirants of competitive examinations and general public who are interested in the discipline of sociology.PREREQUISITES :NoneINDUSTRIES SUPPORT :None
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