Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance in Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by IIT Kharagpur Staff Last updated Mon, 28-Feb-2022 English

Corporate Finance free videos and free material uploaded by IIT Kharagpur Staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Week-1 : Introduction to Corporate Finance and Related Concepts (Sources of finance and risk and return)

Week-2 : Time value of money and long-term investment decisions

Week-3 : Investing Decisions: Project appraisal and capital budgeting decisions

Week-4 : Financing Decisions: Cost of CapitaLand its impact on firm valuation

Week-5 : Financing Decisions: Capital structure theories and applications, concepts of leverage

Week-6 : Working Capital Management: Profitability and liquidity, operating and cash conversion cycles
Week-7 : Working Capital Management: Debtors, inventory, and payables

Week-8 : Payout Decisions: Dividend theories, models, and applications

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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The aim of this course is to equip the learners to understand, appreciate, and employ the corporate finance concepts and applications in the context of managerial decision making. The course participants should be, at the end of the course, able to understand the decisions related to capital budgeting, capital structure, management of working capital, and dividend policy, by way of learning tools and techniques to solve advanced numerical problems of real business situations efficiently. The course shall have four distinct modules, namely investment decisions, financing decisions, working capital management decisions, and payout decisions. Investment decisions aim to help understand the valuation of financial securities, and the role of risk-return relationship in making the capital budgeting decisions. Financing decisions help in determining the right source of capital while keeping shareholders’ interests a priority. Working capital management decisions focus on optimal management of inventory, debtors and receivables, and payables. Finally, payout decisions are related to the issues pertaining to paying dividends or keeping the profits within the business. We shall also consider some other relevant issues as part of our discussion with respect to financial decision making process.INTENDED AUDIENCE : Undergraduate and postgraduate-level students with interest in business management and/or finance in terms of academic specialization (e.g., minor/major in finance/financial engineering/management) or career choices (e.g., BFSI industry, stock market investments, FinTech, etc.)PREREQUISITES : UG-level courses in Economics (Microeconomics and Macroeconomics) and Basic Statistics Financial Accounting and Financial Institutions and MarketsINDUSTRY SUPPORT : Banking and Financial Services Industry (banks, financial analysis and advisory firms, equity and investment research companies)

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