Elementary Stereology for Quantitative Metallography Training Provided by University of Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Elementary Stereology for Quantitative Metallography free videos and free material uploaded by IIT Madras Staff .
Week 1 : Method of Stereology ,Geometrical Probability - I ,Geometrical Probability II
Week 2 : Probability Distributions ,Basic Stereological Parameters
Week 3 : Counting of grains and particles ,Description of Polycrystalline Microstructures derived measures
Week 4 : Size distribution of particles ,Other applications of the Disector
Quantitative metallography or stereology is concerned with the measurement of microstructural features such as grain size, and the size and spatial distribution of second phase particles from the observations made on 2-D sections through optical, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. In all cases a small sample section or thin slice of material is observed in order to derive the microstructural characteristic of a bulk material. Stereology is therefore concerned with geometrical probability.INTENDED AUDIENCE:Anyone who is interested in the quantification of microstructuresPREREQUISITES: NilINDUSTRY SUPPORT:All materials related industries and Pathologists, Bio technologists
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