Fiber Optic Communication Technology training provided by university of Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Fiber Optic Communication Technology free videos and free material uploaded by IIT Madras Staff .
Week 1 : Motivation for fiber optic communication, Introduction to digital modulation, Overview of Optical Communication System
Week 2 : Optical Sources : LED - Working principle, Efficiency, Modulation bandwidth, Emission Pattern, Need for Laser Diodes, Resonator Concepts
Week 3 : Optical Sources : Laser Diodes - Resonator, FSR, Q, Single Longitudinal Mode Lasers, Photon Lifetime, Semiconductor
Laser Rate equation, steady state solution, LI characteristics, Output power from laser, Modulation response of LD,Chirp
Week 4 : Optical Sources- Noise in Lasers- Relative Intensity Noise, Phase noise, Effect of noise on different modulation schemes, External Modulation- generation of OOK, BPSK, QPSK and 16QAM
Week 5 : Optical Fibers - Attenuation in fibers, Modes of a step index fiber, b-V curves, Modal profiles
Week 6 : Optical Fibers- Dispersion in fibers, intermodal dispersion, material dispersion, waveguide dispersion, polarisation mode dispersion
Week 7 : Photo detectors- PIN and APD Detectors, Sources of Noise- shot noise, thermal noise, NEP, SNR, Heterodyne detectors, SNR in heterodyne detection
Week 8 : Optical Link Design - Performance Evaluation of an OOK link- BER, Q, Receiver Sensitivity, Optical Amplifiers- EDFA
Week 9 : Optical Link Design Link Budget, Case Studies, Dispersion COmpensation, Nonlinear Effects- Self Phase Modulation
Week 10 : Nonlinear effects - Cross Phase Modulation, Four Wave Mixing, Stimulated Raman and Brillouin Scattering, Commonly used components in Optical Networks
Week 11 : Coherent Detection and DSP : Balanced Detection, Phase and Polarisation Diverse Coherent Detection, Digital Signal Processing for compensation of phase noise, frequency offset, chromatic dispersion, polarisation mode dispersion
Week 12 : Optical Networks : SDH/SONET Layering, Frame Structure , Physical network topologies, Access Networks- PON ,Optical Interconnects, Data Centers ,Optical communication for Wireless Fronthauling.
FOCT is a graduate level course, intended to expose the students to the physical layer elements and seamlessly provide a transition from the physical layer issues to data link layer issues in optical communication systems and networks.INTENDED AUDIENCE : Any Interested LearnersPREREQUISITES :Signals and SystemsINDUSTRIES SUPPORT :Sterlite Technologies Ltd., Tejas Networks, BSNL - other Telecom companies, BEL
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