Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems in Transition: an introduction for decision-makers

Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems in Transition: an introduction for decision-makers Training Provided by Delft University of Technology

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by Delft University of Technology Staff Last updated Mon, 14-Mar-2022 English

Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems in Transition: an introduction for decision-makers free videos and free material uploaded by Delft University of Technology Staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Module 1: Energy system concepts. Learn about the basic aspects of the energy system and the energy chain, the different energy carriers, the transport and conversion of energy and the need for the energy transition.

Module 2: Physical aspects of the energy system. Learn about how supply and demand are matched in the energy systems, the role infrastructure plays and how this can be used in the energy transition.

Module 3: Operation of the energy system. Learn about the different actors and how they influence the energy systems and how smart appliances can help the sector.

Module 4: Economics of the energy system. Learn about the energy market and how this is controlled, and the influence renewable energy has on this market.

Module 5: Policies within the energy system. Learn about the different functions policies have and how the energy sector is currently being influenced by these policies.

Module 6: Apply the knowledge gained. You will be tested on how well you can analyze the energy sector and how you would make appropriate interventions.

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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This course is designed for anyone seeking a comprehensive understanding of the current energy system, in order to design actions and policies that can facilitate the energy transition. The course will analyze the fundamental energy concepts in the context of technology, system operation and control, economics and energy policy. We will discuss different types of energy sources (including renewables), the energy chain, energy infrastructure and power distribution, the actors involved, the energy market and present-day (EU) energy policies. Throughout the course you will understand the status quo and you will learn about disruptive innovations and possible future prospects for the energy sector. The course will present you with the larger picture of the future of the energy industry and its evolving practices, which you need in order to make better decisions, initiate policies and empower governance that help energy transition and support sustainability.

This course has been designed by TU Delft's international experts on Energy Systems who have more than 30 years of practical experience and have conducted relevant research in the field. The course also brings you new developments by leading industry professionals in Europe.

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