J2EE Training

J2EE Training by mytrainingbangalore Training Institute in Bangalore

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled
Created by mytrainingbangalore staff Last updated Wed, 04-May-2022 English

J2EE Training free videos and free material uploaded by mytrainingbangalore staff .

Syllabus / What will i learn?

Java Basics

Language and Platform Features

Program Life Cycle

The Java SE Development Kit (JDK)

Class and Object Basics

The Object Model and Object-Oriented Programming

Classes, References, and Instantiation

Adding Data to a Class Definition

Adding Methods (Behavior)

More on Classes and Objects

Accessing data, the “this” variable

Encapsulation and Access Control, public and private Access

Constructors and Initialization

static Members of a Class

Scopes, Blocks, References to Objects

Flow of Control[briefly due to attendee experience]

Branching: if, if-else, switch

Iteration: while, do-while, for, break, continue

Strings and Arrays

String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder

Arrays, Primitive Arrays, Arrays of Reference Types



Package Overview – Using Packages to Organize Code

import statements

Creating Packages, package Statement, Required Directory Structure

Finding Classes, Packages and Classpath

Composition and Inheritance

Using Composition to Deal With Complexity

Composition/HAS-A, Delegation

Using Inheritance and Polymorphism to share commonality

IS-A, extends, Inheriting Features, Overriding Methods, Using Polymorphism

Class Object

Abstract Classes


Using Interfaces to Define Types

Interfaces and Abstract Classes


Exceptions and the Exception Hierarchy

try and catch

Handling Exceptions

Program Flow with Exceptions



JDBC basics

JDBC Architecture

Using JDBC drivers & DriverManager

Class Connection and connecting to a database

Class Statement and executing SQL statements

Other statement types

Driver types

Java Collections and Generics

The Collections Framework and its API

Collections and Java Generics

Collection, Set, List, Map, Iterator


Collections of Object (non-generic)

Using ArrayList, HashSet, and HashMap

for-each Loop

Processing Items With an Iterator

More About Generics

The Java Streams Model

Delegation-Based Stream Model

InputStream and OutputStream

Media-Based Streams

Filtering Streams

Readers and Writers

Working with Files

File Class

Modeling Files and Directories

File Streams

Random-Access Files

Advanced Stream Techniques


Data Streams

Push-Back Parsing

Byte-Array Streams and String Readers and Writers

Java Serialization

The Challenge of Object Serialization

Serialization API

Serializable Interface

ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream

The Serialization Engine

Transient Fields

readObject and writeObject

Externalizable Interface


J2EE Training Syllabus in Bangalore

Java EE Introduction

Java EE Overview

Java EE Technologies

Java EE Architecture


Servlets and JSP with the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)

Web Application Basics

How the Web works, Thin Clients, TCP/IP

HTTP overview, Brief HTML review

Overview of Java EE, servlets & Web applications.

Servlet Basics

Servlet API

HTML Forms

HTTP: Request-response, headers, GET, POST

Overview: How Servlets Work

Servlet Lifecycle: init(), service(), destroy()

Requests and responses

Core Servlet API: GenericServlet, ServletRequest, and ServletResponse

HTTP Servlets: HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse and HttpServlet

Accessing Parameters

Additional Servlet Capabilities

HTTP headers and MIME types

RequestDispatcher: Including and forwarding

Sharing data with the request object attributes

Sharing data with ServletContext attributes

Error Handling

JavaServer Pages

Basics and Overview

JSP architecture

JSP tags and JSP expressions

Fixed Template Data

Lifecycle of a JSP

Model View Controller (MVC)

Model 1/Model 2 Architecture

Data Sharing among servlets & JSP

Object scopes or “buckets”

Request, application, session and page scope

Predefined JSP implicit objects (request, session, application, page)


‹jsp:getProperty›, ‹jsp:setProperty›

‹jsp:include›, ‹jsp:forward›

Using Custom Tags

Custom tags overview

Reducing JSP complexity

Tag Libraries

Tag Library Descriptor (TLD)

Loading a tag library in a web app


JSP Expression Language (EL)

Using custom tags

The c:url, c:param, c:forEach, c:out tags

More JSP Capabilities and Session Management

HTTP as a stateless protocol

Hidden form fields

Cookies: Overview, API, Using cookies

Session overview: Cookies and session tracking


Putting data into a session object

Retrieving data from a session object

Using session data in servlets and JSPs

Additional JSP Capabilities

Exception handling and error pages

Directives (page, include, others)

Import declarations

Multithreading considerations and data safety

SingleThreadModel interface

Additional JSP Capabilities

JSP Directives

JSP Error Pages

JSP and Java

Declarations, Scriptlet overview, Scriptlet syntax


Overview of JSTL libraries

The JSTL Expression Language

Expressions, Type Coercion, Operators, String concatenation, Implicit Objects

The Core JSTL Library

General Purpose: c:out, c:set, c:catch

Conditional: c:if, c:choose,

Overview of other capabilities

Additional Topics

Servlet Filter overview

Filtering examples, lifecycle, & filter chains

Filter API, Modifying a request, Modifying a response



Relational Database and JDBC Overview

Overview, Table Relationships, Web Based Data Access, JDBC Characteristics

JDBC Architecture, JDBC API Overview

DriverManager, JDBC Drivers

Naming databases with JDBC URLs

Connecting to a database

Connection interface, Establishing a connection


Handling Database Exceptions

Data Access

DAO – Data Access Objects, O-R Mapping, Value Objects

Processing Database Data

Executing statements, precompiled statements and stored procedures

Processing ResultSets,

Dealing with Null data

Updating, inserting, retrieving data

Controlling Transactions

JDBC Driver Types


Java EE and DataSource, Using JNDI

Connection Pooling

Overview, Usage, Advantages

Component Integration

Database Integration

Web Architecture choices

Connecting servlets to a database via DataSource

Other Technologies

XML and Web Services

JMS – Java Message Service


Accessing a database from a servlet

Accessing an EJB from a servlet

Curriculum for this course
0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
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J2EE Training in Bangalore offered by My Training Bangalore is focused on providing you with the Best J2EE Course in Bangalore where we train all our students from the Basic Level of Training where we teach all the basic concepts to make our students thorough with all the Basics to the advanced level. All these training is undergone not only theoretically but also are executed on the real-time basis.

Our J2EE Course in Bangalore is the best course which is taken by most of the IT Professionals who are working in the programming Field. So, do not miss this great opportunity to learn and to grow in J2EE by taking our best J2EE Training in Bangalore only at My Training Bangalore which is the Best J2EE Training Institute in Bangalore, where we focus on each and every student individually. My Training Bangalore would be named as one of the Best Training institutes to learn J2EE and all the concepts of J2EE Applications.

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