Introduction to HRM.
Job Analysis & Design.
Employee testing & selection.
Performance appraisal.
Performance evaluation & feedback.
The Training process Assessment of training needs & Training methods.
General & Specific Training and Evaluation of Training.
Career Management and planning.
Career Development.
Pay for performance systems.
Pay and Reward systems.
Pay and incentive systems(Contd).
Separation and Administration of Benefits.
Business Ethics.
Ethical Aspects of HRM Activities.
Employee Health.
Employee Wellbeing in the Workplace.
Organized Labor.
Managing the Labor Relations Process.
International HRM.
Global Employment Law, Industrial Relations and International Ethics.
Challenges to International HRM.
Strategic HRM.
Multilevel Model of Strategic HRM.
Strategic HRM in a Networked World.
Sustainable HRM.
HR Measurement and Accountability.
Types of score cards.
Discipline in Organizations.
Dealing with Difficult Employees.Using HRM to Prevent the Need for Discipline.
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