Virtual Reality Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Virtual Reality Engineering free videos and free material uploaded by IIT Madras Staff .
lecture 1 Three Psychophysical Laws.
Lecture 2 Sensation and Perception.
Lecture 3 Psychophysics of Visual Perception.
lecture 4 Gamma Encoding.
Lecture 43 Limiting Resolution.
Lecture 49 Psyohophysics of Depth Perception.
Lecture 65 Why Haptics?.
Lecture 66 What is Haptics?.
Lecture 67 Branches of Haptics.
Lecture 68 Human Haptics - Tactile System.
Lecture 69 Kinesthetic System.
Lecture 70 Motor System.
Lecture 71 Haptic Devices and Interfaces - Kinesthetic Devices.
Lecture 72 Haptic Devices and Interfaces - Tactile Devices.
Lecture 86 Principles of Perception.
Lecture 87 Introduction to Kalman Filter.
Lecture 88 Introduction to Extended Kalman Filter.
Lecture 89 Grand Challenges in VR/AR.
Lecture 90.
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