C#.NET Training by Naresh iTechnologies Training Institute in Hyderabad,Ameerpet
C#.NET Training free videos and free material uploaded by Naresh i Technologies, Hyderabad. This session contains about C#.NET Training Updated syllabus , Lecture notes , videos , MCQ , Privious Question papers and Toppers Training Provided Training of this course. If Material not uploaded check another subject
About C#.Net Training
C#.Net Training Course Prerequisite
C#.Net Training Course Content Objective
C#.Net Training Course Duration
C#.NET Training Course Overview
Introduction/Overview of .Net
.Net Framework [Advanced]
Visual C#.Net Language
.Net Installations/C#.Net
Programming Using Visual C#.Net
Introduction To Windows Forms – I
Windows Forms – II
Object Oriented Concepts (Basic)
Object Oriented Concepts (Advanced)
Object Oriented Concepts (Implementation Oriented)
Error Handling
Ado.Net 1.1/2.0/LINQ
ADO.Net Components
Data Sources And .Net Data Providers
Accessing Data In The Connected Environment
Accessing Data In Disconnected Environment
Sorting, Searching And Filtering
Live Case Study and Implementation Of ADO.NET in N-Tier
Creating Custom Windows Controls
Windows Services*
.Net Remoting
Crystal Reports*
Application Deployment
This C#.NET training teaches non-experienced people how to create the Solutions/Applications using C#.NET. C#.NET is Microsoft’s entry into the world of managed programming. Using a syntax that is deliberately from Java, C++ and C, C#.NET achieves a natural trade-off of terseness and clarity, enabling programmers to express concepts in a clear and maintainable form. The recent enhancements to the language have made it even more powerful than before, allowing programmers to work with C#.NET in both an Object-Oriented and partially functional style.
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