Week 1: Introduction to discrete-time sequences, operations on the independent variable, elementary signals: unit step, dirac delta
Week 2: Elementary signals: exponentials, similarities and differences between CT and DT sinusoids, introduction to systems and their properties
Week 3: LTI systems, convolution
Week 4: Definition of the z-transform, region of convergence, simple examples, DTFT as a special case of the z-transform
Week 5: Properties of the z-transform (1)
Week 6: Properties of the z-transform (2), inverse z-transform
Week 7: Sequences having DTFT but no z-transform, response to suddenly applied inputs, response to A cos(ω_0 n+θ)
Week 8: Frequency response of LTI systems with rational transfer function, magnitude response
Week 9: Phase response, allpass filter, group delay, zero-phase filtering
Week 10: Linear phase
Week 11: Sampling
Week 12: Discrete Fourier Transform Detailed syllabus
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