Fiber Optic Communication Technology training provided by university of Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Fiber Optic Communication Technology free videos and free material uploaded by Indian Institute of Technology, chennai (IIT chennai). This session contains about Fiber Optic Communication Technology Updated syllabus , Lecture notes , videos , MCQ , Privious Question papers and Toppers Training Provided Training of this course. If Material not uploaded check another subject
Week 1 : Motivation for fiber optic communication, Introduction to digital modulation, Overview of Optical Communication System
Week 2 : Optical Sources : LED - Working principle, Efficiency, Modulation bandwidth, Emission Pattern, Need for Laser Diodes, Resonator Concepts
Week 3 : Optical Sources : Laser Diodes - Resonator, FSR, Q, Single Longitudinal Mode Lasers, Photon Lifetime, Semiconductor
Laser Rate equation, steady state solution, LI characteristics, Output power from laser, Modulation response of LD,Chirp
Week 4 : Optical Sources- Noise in Lasers- Relative Intensity Noise, Phase noise, Effect of noise on different modulation schemes, External Modulation- generation of OOK, BPSK, QPSK and 16QAM
Week 5 : Optical Fibers - Attenuation in fibers, Modes of a step index fiber, b-V curves, Modal profiles
Week 6 : Optical Fibers- Dispersion in fibers, intermodal dispersion, material dispersion, waveguide dispersion, polarisation mode dispersion
Week 7 : Photo detectors- PIN and APD Detectors, Sources of Noise- shot noise, thermal noise, NEP, SNR, Heterodyne detectors, SNR in heterodyne detection
Week 8 : Optical Link Design - Performance Evaluation of an OOK link- BER, Q, Receiver Sensitivity, Optical Amplifiers- EDFA
Week 9 : Optical Link Design Link Budget, Case Studies, Dispersion COmpensation, Nonlinear Effects- Self Phase Modulation
Week 10 : Nonlinear effects - Cross Phase Modulation, Four Wave Mixing, Stimulated Raman and Brillouin Scattering, Commonly used components in Optical Networks
Week 11 : Coherent Detection and DSP : Balanced Detection, Phase and Polarisation Diverse Coherent Detection, Digital Signal Processing for compensation of phase noise, frequency offset, chromatic dispersion, polarisation mode dispersion
Week 12 : Optical Networks : SDH/SONET Layering, Frame Structure , Physical network topologies, Access Networks- PON ,Optical Interconnects, Data Centers ,Optical communication for Wireless Fronthauling.
FOCT is a graduate level course, intended to expose the students to the physical layer elements and seamlessly provide a transition from the physical layer issues to data link layer issues in optical communication systems and networks.INTENDED AUDIENCE : Any Interested LearnersPREREQUISITES :Signals and SystemsINDUSTRIES SUPPORT :Sterlite Technologies Ltd., Tejas Networks, BSNL - other Telecom companies, BEL
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