Fundamentals Of Electronic Materials And Devices training provided by university of Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Fundamentals Of Electronic Materials And Devices free videos and free material uploaded by Indian Institute of Technology, chennai (IIT chennai). This session contains about Fundamentals Of Electronic Materials And Devices Updated syllabus , Lecture notes , videos , MCQ , Privious Question papers and Toppers Training Provided Training of this course. If Material not uploaded check another subject
Week 1: Introduction, Energy bands in solids, Semiconductors band gap formation
Week 2: Problem set on week #1 and Intrinsic semiconductors.
Week 3: Extrinsic semiconductors, Fermi level variations, and conductivity.
Week 4: Problem set on week #3. Metal-semiconductor junctions and Introduction to pn junctions
Week 5: pn junctions under bias, Junction breakdown, and Heterojunctions. Problem set on weeks 4 & 5.
Week 6: Transistors, Types of transistors, MOSFETs, Problem set on week#6.
Week 7: Optoelectronic devices – Introduction. LEDs and Lasers.
Week 8 :Photo detectors and solar cells. Problem set on opto electronic devices, week #7 and 8.
This online course has been running since 2016. The primary aim of the course is to provide a fundamental understanding of the materials and devices used in the semiconductor industry. The course is designed for undergraduate and graduate students from diverse backgrounds. Anyone interested in understanding how semiconductors work and how they form an integral part of today's electronic industry can take this course. The course provides the students with the basic physics of semiconductor materials. It also covers device fundamentals with emphasis on their electronic characteristics. Opto-electronic devices such as LEDs, lasers, solar cells, and their properties will also be explained.INTENDED AUDIENCE : Preferable undergraduates and graduate students in Chemical, Chemistry, Computer science, Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgy, Materials, and Physics. Working professionals in the electronics industry can also take this course.PREREQUISITES : NILLINDUSTRY SUPPORT : Students aiming to join semiconductor and electronic device companies will value this course.
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