Hardware Security in Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Hardware Security free videos and free material uploaded by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IIT Kharagpur). This session contains about Hardware Security Updated syllabus , Lecture notes , videos , MCQ , Privious Question papers and Toppers Training Provided Training of this course. If Material not uploaded check another subject
Week 1: Introduction, Finite Fields, AES Hardware, S-Box
Week 2: Algorithm to Hardware, Case Study on ECC, Intro to ECC
Week 3: Implementation of ECC, Hardware Design of ECC
Week 4: Introduction to Side Channel Analysis
Week 5: Advanced SCA, Introduction to Fault Attacks
Week 6: Advanced Fault Attacks, Algebraic Fault Analysis
Week 7: Countermeasures-I
Week 8: Countermeasures-II
Week 9: Introduction to PUFs, Designs on FPGAs, Machine Learning of PUFs
Week 10: Design-for-Testability for Cryptographic Designs
Week 11: Protocols, Challenges, Introduction to Micro-architectural attacks
Week 12: Advanced Micro-architectural attacks, Hardware monitoring for malwares using Hardware Performance Counters
ABOUT THE COURSE:This course will focus on the importance of addressing different security threats on modern hardware design, manufacturing, installation, and operating practices. In particular, the threats would be shown to be relevant at scales ranging from a single user to an entire nation's public infrastructure. Through theoretical analyses and relevant practical world case studies, the threats would be demonstrated, and then state-of-the-art defense techniques would be described. The course would borrow concepts from diverse fields of study such as cryptography, hardware design, circuit testing, algorithms, and machine learning.INTENDED AUDIENCE:Post-graduate students, and final year undergraduate studentsPREREQUISITES:CryptographyINDUSTRYSUPPORT:TexasInstruments/BOSCH/DRDO/HAL/Wipro/CDAC/ISRO/Rambus/Intel/Qualcomm/Synopsys/IBM/Microsoft/Cadence/SecureIC/Riscure/Mentor Graphics/Xilinx/Nvidia
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