Java Training by Naresh iTechnologies Training Institute in Hyderabad,Ameerpet
Java Training free videos and free material uploaded by Naresh i Technologies, Hyderabad. This session contains about Java Training Updated syllabus , Lecture notes , videos , MCQ , Privious Question papers and Toppers Training Provided Training of this course. If Material not uploaded check another subject
Java Training Prerequisites
Java Training Duration : 4 Months
Java Training Content :
Basic Core Java
New Features JAVASE 6 & J2SE 5.0
Java 7 New Features
Introduction to JAVA
FAQ’s and SCJP Exam Oriented Concepts
Advanced Java
Course Highlights
JDBC 4.0
Servlets 3.0
JSP 2.2
Java EE
RMI-Remote Method Ivocation
EJB – Enterprise Java Beans
EJB 2.0
EJB 2.1
EJB 3.0
EJB 3.1
JTS/JTA-JavaTransaction Service / Java Transaction API
JNDI-Java Naming & Directory Interface
JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service)
JMS 1.1 (Java Messaging Service)
Java Mail 1.3
XML (extensible markup Language)
JAXP 1.2 (Java API for XML Parsing)
Web Services
J2EE Design Patterns
Java it is an Object oriented Programming Language. It is platform independent, secure and Multi is used to develop software and applications.A Java program Can run Various operating Systems. With this Java Training you will able to understand the all concepts clearly.
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