Objectives of the Course
- Salesforce CRM software and its features.
- Implementing automation, security and debugging data.
- To learn Standard List Controller and Configure the user interface.
Definition Of Cloud Computing And Types- Definition of cloud computing
- On-demand advantages of Cloud computing
- Services of Cloud computing
- Saas(Software as a Service)
- PaaS(Platform as a Service)
- IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service)
- Types of Clouds
- Public Cloud
- Private Cloud
- Hybrid Cloud
- Community Cloud
Definition Of Salesforce And It’s Products
- Importance of Salesforce
- Importance of CRM and Solutions
- Grouth of Revenue using CRM
- comparison of Salesforce CRM with other CRM Products
- Salesforce Products
- Salesforce Features and Edition Limits
Salesforce Administration
Sales Cloud-Generic Business Process
- Features of Sales Cloud
- Products
- Campaign
- Lead
- Account
- Opportunity
- Contact
- Contract
- QuoteManage
- Order
- Forecast
- Entitlement
Service Cloud and Customer Service
- Features of Service cloud
- case
- Solution
- Public Knowledge Base
- Web-to-case
- Self-Service Portal
- Escalation rules
Company Information
- creating Company Profile
- Setting Fisca Year, Business Hours
- Setting Holidays and Language
- Identifying Edition
Salesforce-Force.Com Platform
- Creating User Login Credentials
- Setup-Personal Setup
- About Administartion Setup
- Standard Applications, Tabs and Objects
- Creating Custom Application(Design), Custom Objects and Custom Tabs
- Creating Custom Fields Using DataTypes and Picklist and Dependencies
Manage Users
- Creating users and Roles
- Creating Custom Profiles
- Discussion on Standard Profiles
- Creating Permission Sets and Public Groups and Queues
- Login History
Relationships In Salesforce
- Lookup Relationship
- Master-Detail Relationship
- Many to many Rlationships
- Junction Object
- Rollup Summary Felds
- ReaTime Scinarios
Applying Validations And Formulas
- Overview of validation
- Creating Validation Rule
- Apply Formula in Validation
- PageLayout on Objects
- Mini PageLayout
- Search Layout
- Record Type
- Field Level Security on Layout
Object Level Security Model (Table)
- Profile Level
- Permission Set Level
Field Level Security Model (Column)
- Profile Level
- Page Layout Security
- Permission Set Security
Record Level Security Model-Sharing Settings(Row)
- Overview of Record Level security
- Organization-Wide-Default
- Sharing Rules
- Grant Access Using Hierarchies
- Internal Access
- External Access
- Mannual Sharing
- Owner Based Sharing Rule
- Both Usage of Profile and OWD
- RealTime Scenarios
Workflows And Approvals
- Overview of Workflows
- Email Alerts
- Tasks
- Field Updates
- Outbound Messages
- Time Dependent Workflow Actions
- Order of Execution
- Approval Process Definition
- Dynamic Approval Process
- Multi-Step Approval Process
- Parallel Approval Process
- Approval Process Actions
- Real Time Scenarios
Data Management With SFDC
- Overview Import wizard
- Limitations on Import Wizard
- Data Export
- Import Objects
- .CSV File usage in salesfore
- Import Data into Salesforce
- Data Loader
- Mass Transfer Records and Delete of Records
Process Builder
- Overview of Process Builder
- Working with Process Builder
- Workflows With Process Builder
- Customer community
- Partner Community
- Creating User On Community
- Self Registration
Security Settings
- Single-Sign-on settings
- Session Settings
- Password Policies
- Identity Provides
- Login Access
- Identity Connect
- Email Admin Setup
Email Administration
- Deliverability
- Test Deliverability
- Organization-Wide Addresses
- Setting Email Footers
- Compliance BCC Email
Administrative Integration
- Overview on Declarative(no-code) and Programmatic (coding)
- Integrating SFDC to SFDC, SFDC to Excel and SFDC to Facebook
Reports And Dashboards
- Importance of Reports
- Discussion On Standard Report
- Creating Custom Report, Tabular Report, Summary report, Matrix Report
- Creating Joined Report and Report Types
- Applying Filters on Report
- Run Report
- Export Report
- create Dashboard
- Fetching Dashboard in to Visualforce
Resolving Project Issues
- Overview on Types of Projects
- Issue Capturing and Priority
- Isuue Resolving and escalation
- How RealTime Issues
- Overview on Outlook Email
- Code Checking
- BluePrint
- Agile Methodology
- How to Clear RoadBlocks
- Office Communicator(O.C)
Salesforce Development Project Related
- Resolving User Issues In Project
- Importance of User In Application
- Real time project explanation and Project Business Process
- Project Development Life Cycle
- Project Management Tools
- Sandbox and UAT
- Change Set
- Deployment
- Production
Before Start Development
- Enable Development Mode
- MVC Architecture
- Developer Console Usage
- Query Editor Usage
- Execute Anonymous Window
- Create Class Using Developer Console and Visualforce Using Developer Console
- Test and Debug Using Developer Console
- Installing Eclipse
Visualforce Pages
- Comparison With HTML Tags
- Create VF Using URL, Developer Console, Standard Navigation and Eclipse
Data Sources In Visualforce
- Apex Class Variables
- Parameters Using URL
- Global Standard Objects or Custom Objects
- Static Data
Pageblock Tags
- Pageblock
- PageBlockSection, SectionItem
- PageBlock Button and Location
- CommandButtons and Actions
Input Components
- InputText, InputField and InputSecret
- InputHidden
- InputFile
Select Components
- SelectOption
- SelectOptions
- SelectCheckBox
- SelectRadio
Message Tags
Panel Tags
- PanelBar
- PanelBarmItem
- PanelGrid
- PanelGroup
Other VF Tags
- Column
- CommandLink
- Detail
- Facet
- Form
- Iframe
- Image
- include script
- Include Page
- ListViews
- Repeat
- Tab and Tab Panel
- Render,Rerender,RenderAs
- Passing parameters
- Creating VF Tabs
- Realted List
- Enhanced List
List Views
- Creating Views
- PageBlockTable ListView
- DataTable
- DataList
- Repeat
Action Components In Visualforce
- ActionSuppot
- Action Function
- ActionStatus
- ActionRegion
- ActionPoller
Real Time Topics With Visualforce
- Usage of Static Resource In VF
- Overriding Buttons, Links and Tabs with VF
- Dynamic Visualforce Binding
- Integrating Email with Visualforce
- VisualforceTemplates
- Generate Visualforce page as PDF,WordDocument
- Real Time Scinarios
Usage Of CSS In Visualforce
- Create CSS Class
- InternalCSS
- External CSS
- StaticResource In ExternalCSS
- Boostrap Usage in Visualforce
- Realtime Scinarios
Usage Of JavaScript
- JS Functions Usage in Visualforce
- JS DOM Usage in visualforce
- JS Events Usage in Visualforce
- JS Validations In Visualforce
- Internal JavaScript
- External JavaScript
- Realtime Scinarios
Usage Of jQuery In Visualforce
- Using Less Code In Visualforce
- Jquery StaticResorces
- URL Plugins
- AutoComplete
Usage Ajax In Visualforce
- Overview on Connections
- Ajax SOQL
- Ajax DML
Usage Of Angular Js In Visualforce
- Overview on Single Page Web Application
- Dependency Injection
- Controller, Directives
- Filters,Model
- Scope, Service
- Expressions, Module
OOPS ( Object Oriented Programming )
- Fundamental and Properties
- Variables
- Identifiers
- Data types
- Access Modifiers
- Methods
- Conditional Statements
- Exceptiopnal Statements
- Class syntax writing
- Constructing Method
- Reference Varibles
- Setter Method
- Getter method
- Constructors
- Class Properties
- Return Statements
- Inheritance
- Abstarction
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulaion
- Creating Wizard Class
- Wrapper Class
- Usage Of properties in sfdc
APEX Collections
- List class-Scenarios
- Set class-Scenarios
- Map class-Scenarios
- Advanced Example Programs
- Overview on SOQL,SOSL
- Fetching Records on VF Using SOQL
- Inserting Records from VF to Salesforce
- Debug Logs
- Static SOQL
- Dynamic SOQL
- Relational SOQL(p-c,c-p)
- Functional SOQL(Aggregate,Date)
- Creating Interfaces Using SOSL
- GoverningLimits on Apex
- RealTime Project Scinarios
DML Operations
- Database DML Operations
- Insert Statement
- Update Sattements
- Upsert Statement
- Delete Statements
- Undelete Statements
- Merge Statements
- Rollback operations
- SavePoint In DML
- Realtime Rroject Scenarios
Controllers In APEX
- Standard Controller
- Standard Set Controller
- Custom Controller
- Controller Extensions
Schema Programming
- Objects
- fields
- Selected Options
Email Service Using Apex Class
- Overview Of Email Sending
- Outbound Email Service
- Inbound Email service
- Email Service Using Templates
- Sending PDF Attachments
- Sending VF Attachments
- Mass Email Message Sending
- Creating Methods for Sending Emails
- Syntax for Send Emails
- Realtime Scenarios
Custom Setting
- List Custom setting
- Hierarchial Custom Setting
Asynchronous APEX
- Future Method-Long Running
- Queueable Apex-Chain Jobs
- Batch Apex-LargeDataVolumes
- Scheduled Apex:Run On Schedule
- Implemantation
- Invoking Future Method from Schedule
- Schedule Using Point and click
- Schesule Using Code Customization
Batch APEX
- Iterable Class
- QueryLocator
- GetQueryLocator
- Start Method
- Execute Method
- Finish Mehtod
- Sending Email From finish Method
- BatchableContext
- Debug Batch Apex
- Creating Future Methods in Batch Apex
- Implememnting Database.AllowCallouts
- Call Batch In a Batch
- Serialize Batch By Batch
- RealTime Scenarios
Apex Triggers
- Overview On Triggers
- Trigger Events
- Before Triggers
- After Triggers
- Insert Triggers
- Update Triggers
- Delete Triggers
- Undelete Triggers
- New
- Old
- NewMap
- OldMap
- Recursive Triggers
- Validation Rule with Trigger
- Workflow with Trigger
- Invoking Batch Apex,callouts from trigger
- Invoking Schedule,Future Methods from Trigger
- RealTime Scenarios on Each Topic
Test Class
- Overview on Test classes
- StartTest,StopTest
- Test Class on Apex class, Batch APEX, Schedule Apex and Triggers
Programmatic Integration
Integration and WebServices
- Definition Of Integration and WebServices
- Purpose Of WebServices
- Types Of Web Services
- JSON Class, Generator Class, Parser, Serialization
- JSON Deserialization
- XML CLASSES IN WebServices
- HTTP Callouts
- Creating APEX WSDL File
- Integration Using SOAP API
- Integration Using REST API
- Real Time Scenarios
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