Naresh it technologies provide Struts online coaching and training.
Struts free videos and free material uploaded by Naresh i Technologies, Hyderabad. This session contains about Struts Updated syllabus , Lecture notes , videos , MCQ , Privious Question papers and Toppers Training Provided Training of this course. If Material not uploaded check another subject
Struts Introduction
Struts Architecture
Struts Resources
Validations in Struts
Client Validations
Server-side Validations
Different types of Action Forms and Dynamic Action Forms
Exception Handling in Struts
Local Forwards and Global Forwards
Local Exceptions and Global Exceptions
Struts predefined Tag libraries
Predefined Action Classes
Internationalization(I18N) in Struts 1.x
Struts with Ajax Example
Preventing Double Submits
Data Source
File Uploading and Downloading in Struts
Tiles Framework
IDEs: Eclipse, Netbeans
STRUTS – 2.x
Basic Components of Struts 2
Differences between Struts 1.x & 2.xSteps to Create Struts 2 Application
Core Components in Struts 2
Struts 2 Work Flow
Struts 2 Action
Struts 2 Configuration
Struts 2 Tag Library
Struts 2 Validation
Aware Interfaces
Internationalization(I18N) in Struts 2.x
Zero Configuration
The Apache Struts web framework is a free open-source solution for creating Java web applications. It provides various components that can be used to develop MVC based web applications that are easy to develop and maintain.
This advanced course shows JSP and servlet programmers how to build web applications using the Apache Struts framework. Learner learn the Struts architecture and see how it captures a great deal of pre-existing best practice: in model-view-controller action mappings, form beans, custom tags for working with HTML forms, input validation, and the Tiles view-building framework. This Struts 1.3 and 2.0 version of the course illustrates the use of Struts 1.3 in detail and 2.0.
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