Thermal physics in Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Thermal physics free videos and free material uploaded by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IIT Kharagpur). This session contains about Thermal physics Updated syllabus , Lecture notes , videos , MCQ , Privious Question papers and Toppers Training Provided Training of this course. If Material not uploaded check another subject
Week 1 :Kinetic theory of gasses: Maxwell-Boltzmann speed distribution law, average speed, RMS speed, most probable speed, pressure expression from kinetic theory
Week 2 : Mean free path, collision probability, Fundamentals of transport phenomena
Week 3 : Viscosity, diffusion, effusion, thermal conductivity in gasses.
Week 4 : Brownian motion and its significance, Einstein’s theory of molecular diffusion, Perrin’s experiment, random walk (concept only)
Week 5 : Principle of equipartition of energy, degrees of freedom, Specific heat of monoatomic, diatomic and polyatomic gasses, Specific heat of solids, Dulong-petit law, Einstein and Debye theory of specific heat of solids
Week 6 : Real gasses, deviation from ideal gas equation, The Van-der Walls equation of state, the virial coefficients, other equation of state (elementary discussion)
Week 7 : Zeroth and 1 st law of thermodynamics, quasi static processes, work and internal energy, isothermal and adiabatic processes, elastic coefficients of matter
Week 8 : 2 nd law of thermodynamics, Entropy, Clausius’ theorem, Carnot’s theorem and Carnot’s cycle, Otto and diesel cycles
Week 9 :Enthalpy, Helmholtz and Gibbs free energies, Maxwell’s thermodynamics relations, the TdS equations, thermodynamic equilibrium and free energies.
Week 10 : Equilibrium between phases, 1 st and 2nd latent heat equations, 1 st and 2nd order phase transitions. Phase diagram and Triple point,
Week 11 : Thermodynamics at triple point, Ehrenfest equations, Thermodynamic potentials across phase transition, Gibbs phase rule and simple applications
Week 12 : Blackbody as a thermodynamic system, 3 rd law of thermodynamics, entropy at absolute zero temperature
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