Naresh it technologies provide XML online training and coaching
XML free videos and free material uploaded by Naresh i Technologies, Hyderabad. This session contains about XML Updated syllabus , Lecture notes , videos , MCQ , Privious Question papers and Toppers Training Provided Training of this course. If Material not uploaded check another subject
What is XML?
XML Syntax
What is a well-formed XML document
What is an XML Element
What are the XML Naming Rules
What are the Best Naming Practices
XML Attributes
How to view XML files
How to develop an XML document
How to check the well-formedness of XML document
How to validate XML document
What is an XML parser? What are its functions
What is DTD
What are the constituents of DTD file? (Contains)
DTD – Elements
What is cardinality operator in DTD
DTD – Attributes
DTD – Entities
How to associate a DTD with XML
What do you know about SYSTEM keyword in DOCTYPE declaration
What are the limitations of DTD
What is an XSD
What XSD defines
Compare and contrast DTDs and XSDs
Data Types
How to give Default and Fixed Values to Simple Elements ?
How to Define an Attribute?
How to define fixed and default values to attributes?
How to specify an attribute as optional/ required?
XSD Restrictions/Facets
Nonatomic Types
Complex Types
Empty Elements
Order Indicators
Occurrence Indicators
Group Indicators
Annotating XML Schemas
XML Namespaces
Refer a Schema in an XML Document
Import/Include Schemas
XML abbreviation is Extensible Mark up Language. It is the interchange between the applications and organizations.Here we can learn about the Xml and related technologies Xpath and Xquery and DOM.
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