Malyadri T

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Mr.T.MALYADRI is Currently working as Asst.Professor in Department of Mechanical Engineering at VNR VIGNANAJYOTHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Hyderabad. Pursuing Ph.D in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTUH) HYDERABAD,TELANGANA, India.Received M.Tech in ENGINEERING DESIGN from JNTUH,TS, India. Has total work experience of 6 years: 4 years in teaching and 2 year in industry. Current Research Includes NANO HYBRID COMPOSITES. KNOWLEDGE ASSETS : CATIA V5, ANSYS STRUCTURES, HYPERMESH

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Finet element method Malyadri T -
All about finet element method (FEM) Video PPT lecture notes assignments question papers MCQ(Multiple choice questions)
3 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours English Beginner
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